速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbo

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbo





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Svetolika Janjica 34 550220 Kragujevac Serbia

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbook(圖1)-速報App

Dinner Recipes Pal is an easy to use app that will provide you with the best dinner recipe ideas.

One of the best features of this app are categories. We have 4 different categories available right now.

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbook(圖2)-速報App

Categories Available:

- Dinner Sweets Recipes

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbook(圖3)-速報App

- Sea Food For Dinner Recipes

- Meat Dinner Meals

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbook(圖4)-速報App

- Vegetable (Vegan) Dinner Recipes

As you can see, there are some recipes for everyone, and our categories will help you navigate and find what you are looking for much faster. There is another feature which will help you find the best recipes faster. You can add dinner recipe that you like the most into favorite category, so the next time you want to use it just go straight to favorites and pick your recipe there.

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbook(圖5)-速報App

As we've mentioned already there are more than 50 different recipes already available, and we have more than 150 ready to be added (we will add these with each upcoming update).

All of these dinner recipes are tested by our team, and we only add the most delicious meals and recipes.

Dinner Recipes Pal - Dinner Ideas Cookbook(圖6)-速報App

If you have any question or need help, feel free to contact us anytime.